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“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7

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The Church of God of the Nazarene understands the importance of giving. May God bless you!



Come Lay Your Brick Down!


Support the Church of God of the Nazarene building fund. Make a donation of $1,000 in the effort to raise money for a permanent place of worship. Let us help in the advancement of the Kingdom, one brick at a time.


Vin Poze Brik Pa’w la!


Sipòte fon bilding Legliz Bondye nan Nazaren. Fè yon don $ 1,000 nan efò sa a pou ranmase lajan pou yon plas adorasyon pèmanan. An nou ede nan avansman Peyi Wa a, yon sel brik a la fwa.



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